Application selection of LED light therapy

More than 2,000 years ago or even earlier, ancient people had begun to use sunlight to treat diseases. It was not until the late 1980s that LED light therapy became widely known,...

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How Does Yellow light therapy work for Melasma treatment

The diseased mechanism of #melasma is complicated. It is currently believed that it may be related to factors such as genetic factors, endocrine disorders, oral contraceptives, pregnancy, certain cosmetics, drugs, ultraviolet irradiation...

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Manufacturer for 311nm Phototherapy Device

Phototherapy is a form of treatment that uses ultraviolet light to treat skin conditions. Phototherapy can reduce the appearance of psoriasis and eczema symptoms.This form of treatment is safe for all...

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Cat Wood Lamp Inspection

PURPOSE This document defines APA! policy and procedure for screening cats for ringworm using a wood lamp upon intake, or suspect of fungal infection. SCOPE These policies and procedures apply...

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Working principle of Wood lamp

 Wood’s lamp examination is a tool healthcare providers use to examine your skin, scalp and hair. The lamp emits ultraviolet (UV) light, or blacklight, which makes certain types of cells...

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The Role of LED 308 in the Treatment of Vitiligo

Introduction: Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition characterized by the loss of pigmentation, resulting in white patches on the skin. While there is no cure for vitiligo, various treatment options...

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Research on the Treatment of Psoriasis with LED 308nm

  Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disorder characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin. Various treatment options have been developed to manage the symptoms of psoriasis, including phototherapy....

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Personal Daily Care for Psoriasis Patients

Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin. It affects millions of people worldwide, leading to physical discomfort and emotional distress. While there...

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Red, Blue and Yellow? Learn How Led Light Therapy Works to Give You Flawless Skin

WHAT IS ACNE? Acne is caused when your skin produces excess sebum which in turn clogs the pores. It is also be caused by a bacterial infection in the skin...

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